AGM 2024


RBG AGM Minutes
Comrades Club
Thursday 25th January 2024

The meeting commenced at 7.15pm

Present ; Bajka Pratt, Geoff Hodgson(GH), Stuart Gibbons, Tom Hardman, Penny Hodgson, Mark Austin, Geoff Bazeley, Marcus Pilling(MP), Ann Serpell, Robert Sheppard , Simon Kellam, Jayne Spenceley (JS), Julian Durell, Harriet Stead , Chris Lobb, David Brown, Mark Spear, Martin Wayman (MW) ,John Reeve , Darren Godwin

01/24 Apologies ; Colin Packham, Ged Gilcrest, Darren Male, Clair Harwood, James Culley, Mike Wells, William Finley, Tim Howes

02/24 Minutes of Last Annual General Meeting
The minutes of the last AGM held on Thursday 26th January 2023 were considered a true record by those present and were adopted .

03/24 Officers Reports
GH advised that Officers Reports had previously been uploaded onto the Roseland Website with Members having been advised prior to the AGM to view prior to the meeting.

04/24 Chairmans Repor
The Chairman’s Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
No questions were raised from the floor relating to the report

05/24 Secretary’s report
The Secretary’s Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
No questions were raised from the floor relating to the report

06/24 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
No questions were raised from the floor relating to the report

07/24 Programme and Events
The Events Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
No questions were raised from the floor relating to the report

08/24 Group Purchasing
The Events Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
MP thanked Tim Howes for all the work he has put in over the last few years arranging bulk buying which has provided significant savings to Group Members . MP requested ,with Tim Howes standing down, a volunteer to consider taking over this Group Role

09/24 Group Apiary
The Apiary Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
It was agreed that Darren Male ( Proposed Julian Durell & Seconded Bajka Pratt) to be voted in as Second Apiary Manager to help with the running of the Apiary.

10/24 Safari Report
The Safari Report had previously been published on the RBG Website and was not read out.
No questions were raised from the floor relating to the report

11/24 Election of Officers
The current Officers were unanimously re-elected. All Officers to be re-elected were proposed by Harriet Stead and seconded by Chris Lobb and unanimously voted in by the attending members


For All current Officers - Proposer Harriet Stead. Seconder Chris Lobb

  • Chairman - Geoff Hodgson
  • Vice Chair - Bajka Pratt
  • Secretary - Marcus Pilling
  • Treasurer - Geoff Hodgson
  • Events - Martin Wayman
  • Mentoring - Stuart Gibbons
  • Apiary - Tom Hardman

New Elected

Proposer Jullian Durell. Seconder Bayka Pratt

  • Second Apiary Manager - Darren Male

Vacant Posts

  • Purchasing Vacant Volunteer needed (All)
  • Publicity Vacant Volunteer needed (All)

12/24 AOB

MW advised that Tywardreath Re-enactment Society have recently asked Roseland to attend their Event again this year . Please advise MW if you are interested in supporting this. Last year it proved a success for Members Sales . Please advise MW if interested in attending (All)

JS advised that the Royal Cornwall Show still need a Honey Show Secretary . This role would be supported if anyone could volunteer to take on the post. Any one that is interested or wants to know more please let JS or MP know (All)

There being no further topics raised the meeting closed at 7.28 pm

Minutes Compiled Marcus Pilling January 26th 2024
