
Regular Meetings, Socials and Safaris


Meetings are free to group members unless otherwise indicated. Members of other groups are most welcome to attend for which a small donation to Roseland Group funds would be gratefully appreciated.

Meetings are held in the Comrades Club, Probus, TR2 4LG

01726 882747

There is a licensed bar for refreshments. The main topic lasts for about an hour followed by discussion, socialising and the raffle. Please bring a raffle prize and buy a ticket as this is our main means of raising funds.


  • What other events would you like to see?
  • Heard a great Speaker?
  • Is there enough for beginners and experienced members?

Become more involved

Martin Wayman, Events Coordinator

Tel: 01872 865038

2024 - 2025 Events Programme

26 September 2024

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
BB Wear
Steve from BB Wear
Demonstrates their range of bee suits

24 OCTOBER 2024

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
Questions and Answers
Geoff and Marcus to answer Beekeeper Questions

28 NOVEMBER 2024

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
Abelo Ltd
Damian to present hives and equipment to the Group


Saturday 7.15 for 7.30
Venue TBC

23 JANUARY 2025

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
followed by
Will Steynor
Queen Rearing on a small scale

27 February 2025

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
Martin Wayman
Frame making with Martin

27 MARCH 2025

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
Bridget Knutson
A Talk on Wax processing and making wax blocks.

24 APRIL 2024

Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
Social evening
Penny Forsyth
Swarm collecting using straw skeps , a more natural way

17 May 2024

9.00am to 5.00pm
Details TBC
Led by Seasonal bee inspectors. An extremely popular event and a great opportunity to get hands on bee-time, learn from the experts and visit a variety of apiaries. Lots of opportunity for discussion with other beekeepers and a chance to get your bees’ health and management techniques expertly assessed. And a pasty! £7.00 charge, limited numbers


Saturday Afternoon
Summer Social
Hosted at the home of one of our members
Details TBC


Thursday, 7.15 for 7.30pm
Comrades Club, Probus
The First Indoor Meeting
An opportunity to meet other members and celebrate the 2023 honey harvest.

2025 AGM

Held at Comrades Club, Probus

Click here for the Minutes